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Washing Hands

"That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children..."

We are here for the journey.

We offer 1:1 support in the form of virtual coaching and care during the three main pivotal seasons in a woman's life -- being born again, becoming a wife, and transforming into a mother for the first time.


Our packages are customizable in the amount and kind of support, based on your current season and needs. Please note that availability is limited as Kallan only presently engages in one mentorship at a time.

Mentorship Opportunities

Image by Annie Spratt

Daughter Discipleship

The process of coming to Jesus out of the kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of Light can be very daunting and each person has a unique journey for that to unfold. I would be honored to walk alongside you during this vulnerable season, no matter where you are in your walk of faith.

Bridal Coaching

Whether you are currently are engaged to be married, in courtship process, or are simply feeling the Lord’s hand beginning to prepare you for marriage, I would delight to walk alongside you during this monumental season as you prepare for marriage.

Motherhood Mentorship

In the process of becoming a mother, all women undergo a complex and real physiological, emotional, and spiritual transformation. I delight in walking alongside women in this pivotal moment of life to prayerfully assure that they transition well into who they are becoming as a mom.

Here's what the Lord has done...

Sarah Goldsmith, Discipleship

"No words are sufficient to express the positive impact that Kallan has had on my life during her time of mentoring me. Her faith is real, personal, inspiring and of the upmost importance to her.  Which means that it naturally laces every word that comes out of her mouth. 


“She opens her mouth with wisdom, And on her tongue is the law of kindness.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭31‬:‭26‬ ‭


She walks with integrity and her heart is after the Lords.  She hears Gods heart and her life and the way she acts and talks reflects that. It also meant my heart was safe in her hands because it was in His hands also. God through Kallan have permanently impacted my faith, my role as a wife, mother and daughter of God.  I can’t even begin to describe to you with words how life changing my time with her was. All glory to God."

Image by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦

Are you a woman in a major transitional season — becoming a wife, a mom, or in the tender process of being born again? 

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