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Bridal Homework

Bridal Homework


Preparing to be a wife? Planning your wedding is the most exciting time, but oftentimes a woman getting married can get so wrapped up in the logistics of the celebration that she forgets to take time to sit with the process that is about to take place. This bridal homework is designed to help a woman truly drop into the gravity of the transformation from single woman into "help meet" or "wife". It consists of three sections of questions designed to bring you to the feet of Jesus that He might transform you into the woman you need to be in this next season.

This digital workbook is designed to bring you into the secret place as you begin to be transformed into a help "meet" for your future husband before your wedding day.

It includes:

  • Printable 19-page  PDF
  • Thought-provoking insights about the journey of becoming a wife 
  • Deep questions to bring to the Lord that will prepare and sanctify your heart before your big day
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